Theme Documentation :

RoofMaster - Roofing and Construction Services WordPress Theme

Get Started and Theme Install

We recomand watch youtube video tutorials for setup RoofMaster theme and save your time.

First, thank you for purchasing our theme!

This guide provides instructions for installation, help on getting started and extensive documentation of features. It is recommended you read it thoroughly to fully leverage the RoofMaster theme’s capabilities. We hope you will get lot of flexibility with RoofMaster  as much as we enjoyed developing it and continue to develop with new features!

Installing WordPress

Before beginning the installation and configuring of your new theme, you must first have WordPress already installed on a server. If you are struggling, here is a very detailed guide at  WordPress Codex  that will walk you through every step.

Installing The Theme

Once you have setup a copy of WordPress, there are two ways you can go about installing the theme:

  • 1. FTP Upload 

    Unzip the download and upload the theme directory /roofmaster/ into your WordPress themes directory /wp-content/themes/.

  • 2. WordPress Upload

    This is definitely the easier route for most. Simply navigate to Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme. Click the ‘browse’ button and locate the still zipped theme folder. The theme will be uploaded and installed in a matter of seconds.

After you have installed the theme successfully, you should have active the theme.
Installing required plugins

Once you have installed and activated our theme you will be prompted to install required and recommended plugins. You will get better solution after installing those Plugins.

Just click the link to Begin installing plugins.

Next, check boxes to select all the plugins you want to install, select the bulk action of install from the dropdown box and then click the button to apply.

Next, just click the link to Return to Required Plugins Installer.

Select the plugins you had installed, and then apply the bulk action to activate them.

Finally, you will get a confirmation notice that your plugins were activated. Then click Return to the Dashboard

Import Demo Data

To help you set up your website with the least efforts, we include the dummy content file into theme package. After installing it, all content seen on the live demo will import except for images/videos. If you interested in import our demo data on your site, please follow all steps carefully.

To import demo data, please navigate Appearance > Import Demo Data. .

Then click on Import Demo Data

Select the demo version. then please click import demo 

Then click on Continue & Import


Demo Import Successfully.

RoofMaster Theme Options

RoofMaster theme has a lot of options to have control over your site. Using those options, you can easily change your site behavior like logo,  Free Estimates button, contact info change, copyright, google map, etc.

Business Info:  You can update your email, phone, and social media links in Business info in topbar.

Logo:  You can find way to change/update your business logo.  

Header Optins:  You can customaize header like change menu background color , navbar link color , padding or space in Header options tab.  

Top Bar:  Control top from options panel , Header Options > Topbar . Change Topbar bcackgrond and link color. Top bar by defult only visible on desktop options and on mobile device top hidden by defult but you have a options to showing them one mobile device. also You have a way to hide topbar from all device . just hide it from desktop device then top bar will not showing any device becuse in mobile device topbar by defult hidde. 


Page Title:  Hide page title or customize heading from page title options there is few options avaiable. 

Navbar Button:  You can customize your navbar button. Theme Options/Header Options/Navbar button.

Blog Post:  In blog post options. Choose post content/single page design.  choose a sidebar with content and full width. by default is a sidebar with content.

Also, there is a way to hide post heading , background.

Blog Design: You choose blog design. grid and list style.



Footer Options: Customize your side footer from footer options there are a few options.

You can update your Copyrights text from the footer options. 

Help And Supports

Thanks a lot for using this amazing theme. Hope you found this documentation helpful for using this theme. Please support this product by giving your ratings and testimonial. For any further help, you can visit our help site and or contact with email-

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